RootFix Lithium Orotate

Product image 1RootFix Lithium Orotate
Product image 2RootFix Lithium Orotate
Product image 3RootFix Lithium Orotate

Regular price $32.50

This formula is designed to calm the nervous system and soothe rattled nerves. Excellent for those prone to irritable outbursts. May help calm brain activity, promote a positive mood, support emotional wellness, and support the natural balance of brain neurotransmitters. ‡

Manufactured in a US FDA inspected facility. GMP compliant. Purity and potency guaranteed! We use the highest quality raw materials available. Testing is done at various stages of production.

‡ These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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