RootFix HCL Supreme (New)

Product image 1RootFix HCL Supreme (New)
Product image 2RootFix HCL Supreme (New)

Regular price $28.60

RootFix HCL Supreme helps break down food in the digestive tract for better nutrient absorption and reduced bloating and indigestion after meals. It may also aid those with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and IBS as those conditions are exacerbated when food sits undigested in the stomach.

This formula contains a combination of nutrients that may be beneficial for promoting healthy digestion when taken at the start of a meal. Betaine HCL helps maintains a healthy pH in the stomach, supporting normal protein digestion, mineral absorption, small intestine pH, and B12 absorption. Pepsin is the chief digestive enzyme in the stomach, which breaks down proteins into polypeptides.


The burning sensation in your chest associated with acid reflux and heartburn is caused when your lower esophageal sphincter doesn’t close properly, allowing stomach acid to come into your esophagus and damage the tissue.

That’s why conventional medicine reaches for acid-blocking medications, which can temporarily relieve symptoms but don’t solve the real problem. Stomach acid plays a very important role in proper digestion, helping you break down food and also killing off bad bacteria, yeast, and parasites.

Without enough stomach acid to digest your food, it’s left sitting in your stomach, leading to acid reflux.


This product is ideal for those who are looking to support their stomach’s digestive function. Taking 1 capsule before a meal aids digestion, especially the digestion of protein-containing foods, and it helps with the assimilation of nutrients.* This product is not recommended for anyone who has been diagnosed with any type of ulcer or gastritis, or those who have an overproduction of acid.

This product is in capsule form to ensure the delivery of betaine hydrochloride (HCl) and pepsin to the stomach where they are needed to initiate digestion.

Recommended Use: Take 1 capsule per day before a meal or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.


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